Best Peanut Butter and Brands in India in 2022
After spending 30 hours researching several brands, checking over their labels for ingredient list and nutrition information, we’ve done a roundup of some of the best peanut butter available in India and classified them basically on their appearance, texture, how nutritious and tasty they are, and, last but not least, how clean their ingredients are.
You would be quite surprised how different peanut butter can be when you look at the various brands on the market today.
We were.
Category | Brand | Country | Comments | Shelf Life |
High Protein for Gym-Goers | Flex Protein | India | Natural;Unsweetened | 6 months |
Original (FDA and FSSAI approved) | Teddie’s | USA | Natural;Unsweetened | 12 months |
Crunchy | Alpino | India | Natural;Unsweetened | 9 months |
Creamy | The Butternut Co | India | Natural;Unsweetened | 6 months |
Category | Product |
High Protein (for Gym Goers) and Natural | Flex Protein Crunchy (India) |
100% Natural and Healthy (FDA and FSSAI approved) | Teddie’s All Natural Smooth (USA) |
Crunchy and Natural | Alpino Unsweetened Crunch (India) |
Creamy and Natural | The Butternut Co Unsweetened Peanut Butter (India) |
These listings are not final and this blog will be updated regularly as new peanut butter becomes available, so be sure to check back.
Our Top Choices
The Best Peanut Butter for Gym-Goers
Flex Protein
Flex Protein peanut butter, made with 100% natural peanuts, delivers an instant boost of nutrients and about 10 grams of protein, when your body needs it the most.
Just the right thing for your post workout smoothie.
Click Here for Latest Price
Our Choice
Most Popular Peanut Butter
Pintola is currently the best selling Indian peanut butter brand online that did its bit to popularize the American food in the country.
Although it’s hard to pick one from its growing catalog of pb, we’d happily settle for the classic and crunchy version any day.
What’s more, a 32 gm spoonful of this provides around 10 g of protein and 6 gm of carbs. Can’t complain, can you?
Click Here for Latest Price
Best Peanut Butter in India in 2022
Natural Peanut Butter in India
1) Peanut Butter with High Protein Content- Flex Protein
If there was one Indian peanut butter brand that could satisfy your craving and help you grow muscles without throwing your macros off balance, it would be Flex Protein.
Made in India, this is one peanut butter brand with high protein concentration. At 10g of protein per serving, it also proves to be the cleanest source of protein among all products and brands listed here.
Devoid of hydrogenated oils, sugar and salt, this tastes great and is not too syrupy like other natural PB brands out there.
In fact, it has a definite crunchiness to it thanks to all the peanut and fiber they make it with. Of course, it would have been great if it tasted more sugary like the sweetened Skippy peanut butter.
Let’s be real guys, you can’t have it all.
At a glance
Nutrition Data
Nothing but 100% roasted peanuts
Nutrition Data
Protein- 10 g;
Carbs- 8 g;
Fat- 12 g;
Sodium- 0 mg;
Sugar-2 g;
Overall calories per serving : 190
Overall, it is a pure, clean and tasty source of nutrition, and, thus, a great product for the price. You’ll definitely like the protein punch it delivers.
Also available in creamy, if that’s your thing.
2) Without Hydrogenated Oil- Teddie’s All Natural Smooth
Teddie takes the honors in this segment.
Maybe it’s just that there are no fillers and additives (such as hydrogenated oil, sugar syrups) that makes Teddie the best natural PB available in India.
This is an FDA and FSSAI approved product and that means it is made with standard manufacturing processes, safe and excellent in quality.
At a glance
Nutrition Data
Dry roasted peanuts and a bit of salt.
Nutrition Data
Protein- 8 g;
Carbs- 7 g;
Fat- 16 g;
Sodium- 125 mg;
Sugar-1 g;
Because this is purely natural and made without emulsifiers and stabilizers, the natural oils will tend to separate and rise up to the top.
Never mind. Just give it a good stir with a spoon or a butter knife, and you should be good to go.
Overall, if you are looking for a completely natural PB jar with freshly roasted peanuts and without any fillers, give this a try.
You won’t go wrong with Teddie.
3) Crunchy Peanut Butter- Alpino Unsweetened
If you like the nutty flavor of Teddy’s natural, you’ll most likely love the Alpino because it gives you the goodness of nuts with more protein and less sodium per serving, and it costs just half as much.
It has all the qualities of a first-class natural peanut butter. And the best part is it is made in India.
It’s a golden brown color with a full peanutty-flavor and a hint of salt. Because it lacks artificial emulsifiers, it has a really runny texture that makes it less suitable for spreading on your breakfast toast. But it will be perfect for your morning smoothie though.
And, as with any natural peanut butter, the oil separates and moves to the top, making it look runnier than it is.
Mix it in well before spreading or dipping for best results.
At a glance
Nutrition Data
100% roasted peanuts and nothing else
Nutrition Data
Protein- 9 g;
Carbs- 5 g;
Fat- 16 g;
Sodium- 85 mg;
Sugar-1 g;
Roasted peanuts are crushed into small chunks that give this peanut butter its great crunchiness. Even though it really goes well the strong nutty flavor some peanut butter reviews claim that these chunks are a bit uneven and over-sized.
Natural peanut butter doesn’t have to be necessarily costly. That’s what Alpino tries to say with this product.
4) Creamy PB- The ButternutCo Unsweetened
This one had me wondering whether unprocessed peanut butters could be this creamy.
It is natural and free from all kinds of fillers that go into peanut butter, and that’s a bonus.
This had an intense natural peanutty flavor despite its smooth texture. Maybe not as thick as processed stuff but not as sloppy as the other natural ones either.
It’s somewhere in the middle. And that’s a good thing for a natural creamy peanut butter made with just 100% roasted peanuts and without any fancy flavor ingredients.
Natural PB just can’t get this much creamier. It is that good. Props to the Butternut co for having succeeded at neutralizing a strong peanut taste with just about enough sweetness.
Don’t get me wrong, it is natural and needs a bit of stirring.

At a glance
Nutrition Data
Dry roasted peanuts and a little salt.
Nutrition Data
Protein- 10 g;
Carbs-4 g;
Fat- 16 g;
Sodium- 125 mg;
Sugar-1 g;
Total calories: 192
If you look forward to having buttered toast first thing in the morning, and strongly prefer creamy over crispy, you have found your match.
The perfect companion for breakfast, brunch or a quick evening snack.
5) A Different Flavour- Teddie’s Flax Seed
This one had me wondering whether unprocessed peanut butters could be this creamy.
PB made with flaxseed has a completely different flavor. You’ve got to try it to believe it!
Rich and naturally salty, this particular flavor has a strong peanutty taste and is easily the crunchiest of all varieties of Teddie PB.
For a natural PB, unsurprisingly, it has a very short list of ingredients.
Those who love commercial peanut butter like Skippy and Funfoods might not like it much because it is not sweet and lacks similar taste. In addition, you might find it a little inconvenient to mix it in every time before using it.
This product is imported from the USA, Teddie natural PB jars come with a longer shelf time of 12 months.

At a glance
Nutrition Data
Dry roasted peanuts, flax seeds, and a pinch of salt.
Nutrition Data
Protein- 7 g;
Carbs- 7 g;
Fat- 16 g;
Sodium- 100 mg;
Sugar-1 g;
Thanks to its strong Flax seed flavor, it is loaded with a lot of goodness.
If you like anything chunky, you’ll love to slather it on your toast or add it to your morning smoothie.
You have got to try it once. I’m loving it.
Natural vs Standard Peanut Butter
The PB market in India is divided into two factions- all natural peanut butter and the standard, commercial PB with artificial ingredients. And that begs the question: which peanut butter to buy?
Let’s find out.
No prizes for guessing, natural peanut butter is better. For two reasons.
Even though natural PB is loaded with extra fats, it is basically healthier than the ordinary ones you get at the supermarket.
Yes, the ordinary varieties contain a lower fat profile at 12 grams or thereabouts for a standard serving (two tablespoon) than the standard natural stuff that packs in 16 grams of good fats.
But then, nutritionists say that the mono-unsaturated fats found in peanuts are essential for good cardiovascular health and reduce the risk of heart disease.
It means there’s absolutely no point cutting down good fat just to reduce the overall calorie content. Another important thing to consider is that the amount of calories you get from a single serving of natural PB is just about same as the calories found in commercial PB.
What’s more interesting is that the good fat that would be in the standard peanut butter is substituted with fillers such as molasses, corn syrup, sugar and salt to taste.
Naturally, these additives push the sugar content up to higher levels and its carb content even higher. In addition, the amount of sodium content in the commonly available peanut butter in India is almost twice that of natural peanut butter.
Natural peanut butter is 100% peanuts and nothing else.
But the spreads you get in the market are not fully peanuts as they claim to be. At best, they have around 80% peanuts and that means you get more flavors of sugar, salt and emulsifiers and very less of real peanuts.
Keeping this in mind, we suggest you get a jar of natural peanut butter particularly if you’re looking for a healthy snack that has real peanut flavor.
What to Look for when Buying Peanut Butter in India
Peanut butter is fairly new to India, but people in America and other western countries simply love their PB.
They love it not just because it is a tasty, economical and convenient way to have their breakfast, but, more importantly, because it is one of the best natural sources of protein to be found.
Here are four different aspects that you should consider before ordering your next peanut butter jar.
The ingredients that go into making your PB is critically important and should be considered carefully.
We all think peanut butter is just nuts and nothing else. Right?
That’s far from the truth.
Sadly, a majority of peanut butter sold in India contain unwanted ingredients. While it’s quite common to have the easy, quick instant breakfast before you head out to work, you may want to stay away from these products especially if you are someone that closely watches what you put in your body.
Technically, peanut butter ingredients are quite simple: just well-ground freshly roasted peanuts and a pinch of salt for flavour.
But that’s hardly the case.
Many peanut butter brands in India contain additives and fillers that needn’t be there in the first place. They definitely look natural, but, sadly, they aren’t.
A brief look through the label shows you all kinds of ingredients ranging from hydrogenated oil to genetically modified rapeseed oil to artificial sweeteners sweeteners like corn syrup etc.
Not good.
These are ingredients that no good peanut butter can have.
Before buying peanut butter online or offline, see the label and be sure that there aren’t any fillers or artificial ingredients.
PB can be a good, natural, fat-free source of protein, but not when its nutrition is out of order.
Whether your PB has a lot of nuts, fat, salt, or sugar makes it or breaks it.
Appearance and Consistency
Very rarely do we pay attention to the appearance and texture of the peanut butter we buy. It’s high time we did that.
What does it look like? Is it grainy and dry? Does it look appealing? Perhaps it is too oily and lacks that shine it needs.
What about its texture? Is it too mushy? Maybe it’s quite sticky and you find it difficult to slather it on your toast?
As we mentioned earlier, not all PBs are the same, and that makes it important to put our taste buds to use.
What good is that peanut butter if its nutritious, organic, shiny with the right texture when it is hardly tasty?
Best Peanut Butter Brands in India
Today, less than half a dozen peanut butter brands are available in India, and they’re basically split into two categories: commercial brands such as Funfoods, Sundrop, Skippy, Ruparel, and American Garden (which contain palm oil, hydrogenated oils among other additives), and costlier natural PB varieties, which only contain fresh-ground roasted peanut butter and usually require some sort of stirring because of oil separation.
We tested out both varieties, fifteen in total, and rated them on several factors mainly texture and consistency, salt content, sweet content, creaminess, flavor, and most importantly, overall experience.
Natural Peanut Butter Brands in India
Teddie peanut butter is growing more and more popular by the day. The reason being, it is completely natural, good to taste, and highly nutritious. Yes, that ticks a box if you are looking for pure peanut butter with no fillers, additives, and other ingredients.
Here’s what you need to know about Teddie.
Teddie an American brand that makes high quality all natural PB butter in a highly equipped facility in Massachusetts, USA.
A family run business, the makers of Teddie have been in this business for well over 75 years now and are still doing great to uphold that tradition of making authentic PB.
Run by third generation family members, the brand is now the favorite household staple of a lot of families. No wonder why it continues to grow. All products under the Teddie label are made with sophisticated manufacturing practices that adhere to local food quality and safety standards, and the makers maintain a well-recognized food safety certification Safe Quality Food Level III given by Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI).
Not all Teddie products are available for sale in India but whatever products that you find online and on your supermarket shelves are brought in and distributed by a firm called Oswal Organics.
Launched in 2015, Pintola is an Indian peanut butter brand that offers a range of different flavors of PB. Currently the best seller on, Pintola’s products are filled with goodness of peanut free from artificial ingredients, preservatives, excess sugar or salt.
Manufactured by Das Foodtech from Gujarat, Pintola peanut butter is currently available in 4 different variants namely All Natural, Classic, Chocolate and Black Pepper. The company initially started with the All natural and Classic variants but added the other variants recently after checking the pulse of the market.
The All natural crunchy and classic from Pintola deserves special mention for it is unsweetened, free from preservatives and stabilizers like hydrogenated oil. Made only of raw peanuts, this peanut butter is healthy, tastes good, and doesn’t cost much. It’s not surprising to see why it has racked up lots of positive reviews from customers both online and offline.
The brand claims that the peanut butter it makes is ideal for people that are looking for an affordable source of high quality protein to add to their daily diet particularly breakfast. In addition, it also believes that taking Peanut peanut butter makes them feel fuller thus helping aiding with hunger pangs and by way of that weight management.
If you are looking for an natural peanut butter brand in India that makes gives you quite a few flavors to pick from, take a closer look at Pintola.
While there is no statistic claiming that Indians favor crunchy peanut butters, Pintola says it sold more crunchy products than anything else. That tells you something.
So, if you have not tasted peanut butter before, and are wondering which PB to buy, try Pintola’s crunchy peanut butter and see it for yourself.
Alpino, thanks to its catalogue of healthy and tasty products, has quickly risen to the league of top peanut butter brands in India. With a tagline “Butter for Better health “, Alpino only sells PB products without hydrogenated oils, sugar, and salt.
Alpino sells two variants of crunch and smooth peanut butter: unsweetened and normal.
Made only from fresh ground roasted peanuts, each unsweetened Alpino PB is a tasty and healthy choice if you are someone that likes to eat PB for breakfast, snack on it in the evening before your gym session, and, whenever in between. Since it is made from natural peanuts and doesn’t contain any emulsifiers, it requires some stirring to mix the oil separated from the spread.
However, if you don’t mind a bit of hydrogenated oil and salt in your PB spread, you can consider the normal smooth and crunch variants. Priced lower than their unsweetened counterparts, these PB spreads may not be the healthiest choice but they taste well.
With a growing range of products, Alpino continues to offer reasonably-priced, highly nutritious, and convenient nut butter spreads that are not only healthy to eat but also delicious to snack on.
Flex Protein
There’s a definite protein factor to peanut butter and Flex Protein is one amongst a few Indian brands that focus on that. A new entrant to the market, Flex Protein aims to be a brand that provides an innovative, healthy, and natural source of Protein for people that lead an active lifestyle and follow a proper diet to fuel that.
Currently, the brand sells two PB variants with no added flavour namely the crunchy and smooth version. Packed with Protein, Flex Protein is made from 100% freshly roasted peanuts and lacks all that extra sugar, salt, and fillers like emulsifiers. It’s just pure peanut protein offered in a spread.
A couple of servings of this PB will give you 10g of protein, the maker claims. This is precisely why this brand is starting to gain traction among people who crave a quick protein boost after an intense session of running or workout .
Overall, it helps with your active lifestyle, being high in protein content, but it also tastes great- the perfect addition to your breakfast or evening snack. Head on over to their website to see what’s in store for you.
The Butternut Co
The Butternut Co is an up and coming nut butter label that is gaining more popularity in India. And certainly for good reason: it is tasty, healthy, and offers a range of PB varieties in particular. The unsweetened peanut butter is our pick- it’s the perfect balance of health and nutrition, and tastes natural.
Made using well roasted peanuts that have more good fats than other PB brands, these products stay fresh for a longer period of time, as well. The brand states that all of its products have a shelf life of up to six months when stored in the right conditions as prescribed.
With a growing catalog of PB products and more flavors like chocolate, The Butternut Company is well placed to become one of the leading PB brands in India. Each product in their non-unsweetened line has a pretty good balance of sweet and salt ingredients, so they are certainly far from tasting bland ( quite unlike some PB that are purely 100% peanuts, without traces of salt or sugar).
For people seeking a healthier and tastier snack to add to their daily diet, the Butternut Company has quite a few options.
Featuring among the bunch of up-and-coming peanut butter brands, HappyJars is devoted to providing Indian people with a healthy and satisfying snack that is rich in nutrition as well.
Launched in the fag end of 2016, this Bangalore-based brand is geared towards individuals who look for a healthy source of nutrition to help them meet their protein requirements.
They have two kinds of jars- one with jaggery and one without. And, like most brands in India, these PB are available in crunchy and creamy variants.
These jars contain pure peanuts without any fillers in the form of emulsifying agents, artificial sweeteners etc. With more varieties in the pipeline, HappyJars is truly all set to make peanut butter a breakfast staple in India.
If you’re looking for a new way to boost your daily protein intake, natural peanut butter is a good place to start. And HappyJars is a good choice to go with.
Standard/Sweetened Peanut Butter Brands in India
Riding on the success of its established oil brand, Agro Tech Foods entered the burgeoning butter spread market in early 2016 launching Sundrop Peanut Butter in India.
The Sundrop PB jar is not completely natural and contains just about 90% roasted peanuts. Hydrogenated oils, sugar and salt make the rest of the ingredients.
And that means a Sundrop PB jar may not be the healthiest peanut butter jar that one can buy in India, but that wouldn’t stop it from becoming one of the largest selling PB brands in the market. Reasons?
It is a convenient and nutritious snack that is more economical than most brands. This PB brand is available in different variants namely crunchy and creamy.
FunFoods peanut butter, marketed and distributed by Dr.Oetker is a regular feature in many supermarket shelves across India. Launched a few years ago, Funfoods is one of the go-to brand for shoppers and one of the best selling PB available in India.
Buyers find Funfoods superior to other peanut butters because it is well priced, high in nutritive value, and great to taste. The PB jars contain roasted peanuts, hydrogenated oil, and sugar in its guises, and are sold in two varieties: creamy and crunchy. Which means you may as well skip this brand if you are after something natural.
Manufactured by USA based Hormel foods, Skippy is a renowned PB brand all over the world. And it is here to piggyback on the growing trend around protein-packed snacks in India.
It has not taken much time for Skippy to come up with different varieties of PB to meet the requirements of the market. Skippy’s product line includes creamy, crunchy, and super chunky peanut butter varieties. They have also thrown in a couple of healthier varieties in the mix namely Skippy natural and Skippy Reduced Fat.
Shoppers say that Skippy PB is yum, tastes great, and lasts longer. And that means you won’t run the risk of going through it quickly. Having said that, it is slightly on the expensive side compared to other PB brands of its like, and more importantly, it includes ingredients that you won’t be much pleased about if you just love raw peanut butter. In addition to freshly roasted peanuts, Skippy also has hydrogenated oil, sugar and corn syrup solids, salt etc.
Which peanut butter is best for weight gaining???
as in 2021 foodsense peanut butter is the best peanut butter in india it is made up of A GRADE quality peanuts and it is 100% natural,sugar free,gluten free,hydrogenated and other preservatives fre it is 100% natural and easy to spread. i suggest you to all to try it must. ‘FoodSense peanut butter’
All Peanut butters will add weight as these are high in Fat and Calories .But go for any Natural Brand which does not have hydrogenated oils and Sugar.
Bharat you must try Nutelite natural peanut butter and almond butter they are amazingly good and made in Chandigarh, India. And the good thing about them is they are artisan nut butters.
as in 2021 foodsense peanut butter is the best peanut butter in India it is made up of A GRADE quality peanuts and it is 100% natural ,sugar free, gluten free, hydrogenated and other preservatives free it is 100% natural and easy to spread. I suggest you to all to try it must. ‘FoodSense peanut butter’
Where from to buy I am from Chandigarh but not available
Dr oetker penaut butter is healthy or not
Not tasty definitely